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Tristan Charles
Jan 9, 20223 min read
Subconscious Bias in Patient-Care
A recent study has found that female patients are 32% more likely to die from surgery when performed by a male surgeon, compared to a...
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Tristan Charles
Mar 25, 20213 min read
Patient-centred Care in Radiography - Finding the Right Flow
Patient-centred care: it's a bit of a buzz word around the wards these days. But are we REALLY practicing it in the world of radiography?...
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Tristan Charles
Feb 15, 20212 min read
How to perform a Split Bolus CT Scan
Let's say you have a referral for a CT Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis, and the clinical indications say: 1) ?Primary Lesion 2) ?Pulmonary Emboli Or...
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Tristan Charles
Dec 4, 20201 min read
The Trilemma of CT Workflow
Working in a busy CT department requires a tight balancing act, but ultimately there will always be certain areas that need to be...
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Tristan Charles
Nov 9, 20205 min read
Watching your Bias as a Healthcare Professional
It’s easy enough to say “treat everyone equally”, but when it comes to the real world, there are a few factors which can set us adrift
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Tristan Charles
Apr 27, 20201 min read
CPD Points are not the reason we should be doing CPD!
I’ve had a few people ask me lately why I don’t accredit my radiology courses for CPD points. Yes it’s true, I have gone against the...
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Tristan Charles
Feb 20, 20206 min read
The Pursuit of Happiness in Radiography
How many radiographers out there are truly happy with their career? I know this is a bit of a provocative question. If I’m honest, I...
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Tristan Charles
Nov 18, 20199 min read
Scanxiety: What is it and what does it mean to radiology technicians?
I’ve recently come across the #scanxiety hashtag on social media, and it has opened me up to a whole new perspective as a healthcare...
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Tristan Charles
Oct 30, 20194 min read
Challenging The Status Quo in Healthcare
THE. STATUS. QUO. The three most dangerous words to any business, especially in healthcare.
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Tristan Charles
Oct 28, 20191 min read
CT Protocol Talks: Soft Tissue Neck
The clinical indications is your biggest variable when it comes to this protocol. Determining whether to do a post contrast, pre & post...
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Tristan Charles
Oct 17, 20191 min read
CT Protocol Talks: CTPA
It's that protocol that you love to hate...the CTPA! This was by far the most common protocol I got asked about by radiographers while I...
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Tristan Charles
Sep 30, 20191 min read
CT Protocol Talks: Multiphase Liver
There's so much to talk about with the CT Multiphase Liver protocol, and I have only really skimmed the surface in this video. Clinical...
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Tristan Charles
Sep 21, 20191 min read
CT Protocol Talks: Abdomen & Pelvis
Welcome to the first episode in my series of CT Protocol Talks, where I pull apart and explain a wide range of scanning and post...
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Tristan Charles
Jul 24, 20193 min read
Slice Thickness and Interval Explained
It can be useful to occasionally readdress things that are common place in CT scanning, like slice thickness and interval. Although we...
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Tristan Charles
Jul 7, 20193 min read
The Art of Cannulation
I love my rugby! And no, I didn't just lure into this blog to make that random confession. The reason I bring up rugby is because as I...
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Tristan Charles
Jul 5, 20191 min read
Multiple Liver Lesions
Hepatic lesions will enhance at different stages of a multiphase liver CT depending on their vascularity. As a rule of thumb, a...
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Tristan Charles
May 16, 20191 min read
My Deviated Nasal Septum
Last week I went under the knife to correct a large kink in my nasal septum. While they were in there my surgeon also decided to trim my...
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Tristan Charles
Mar 25, 20191 min read
IV Contrast Flow and Timing
Knowing how long it takes for IV contrast to reach certain anatomical structures is key to understanding why certain CT protocols are...
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Tristan Charles
Mar 21, 20191 min read
If you could ask a radiation physicist anything...what would it be?
I'm in the process of organising a Q&A webinar with a medical radiation physicist where we talk all things radiation physics and safety,...
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Tristan Charles
Mar 13, 20192 min read
Waste Management in Radiology - Single Use Plastics
A couple of years ago, my partner and I made a decision that we would try to minimise the amount of plastic we consumed and threw into...
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