About RadTrain
RadTrain was created to serve one main purpose - to make continuing professional development for radiology professionals relevant, easily accessible and affordable.
The idea was thought up one evening over some beers with a few radiographers, who were frustrated about the way CPD was heading in our profession, and the lack of support and attention radiographers were getting as they progressed through their career.
"Let's change the way we learn and develop as radiology professionals."
"Let's improve the quality of care we provide to our patients."
And just like that, RadTrain was born.
One of the radiographers enjoying a beer on that fateful night was Tristan Charles; CT Applications Specialist and all-round nice bloke. Tristan is the creator and founder of RadTrain and the CT Champion Course. Click on his image below to read more!
Tristan Charles
CT Mentor
Founder of RadTrain
Tristan Charles
CT Mentor
Founder of RadTrain
I am not your average button pusher. I have been a radiographer, CT Applications Specialist, I have managed radiology conferences and workshops, and now I run my own radiology training business
I am passionate about doing the best possible job for my patients and the people around me
I believe that sustainability should be incorporated into every part of our lives, including our career
During my career, I have seen too many radiographers come and go because they didn't have the support or motivation to make their career rewarding, successful or sustainable. This all comes down to the lack of access to relevant, engaging, substantial professional development resources to push them to better themselves and their career.
This is why I created RadTrain. I want to change the way we learn and develop as radiology professionals. I want to improve the quality of care we provide to our patients. I want YOU to have a happy and sustainable career.